309 Paving Services

Jan 10, 2023

Key takeaways:

  • Sweeping the premises is essential for maintaining asphalt, keeping the pavement clean, and increasing lifespan.
  • Inspecting drainage systems around the pavement is necessary to prevent pooling water and other damage.
  • Sealcoating protects against elements like water and air, which can cause cracking or potholes.
  • Cracks and potholes should be filled promptly to prevent them from expanding and causing further damage.
  • Raveling occurs when an asphalt surface loses pebbles, resulting in rock, sand, and debris on the pavement. This should be addressed immediately.
  • Remove stains quickly with a designed cleaner to avoid premature pavement damage.

The new year is here; now is an excellent time for reflection, resolutions, and asphalt maintenance. That’s right, we said it. Asphalt maintenance may not be the most glamorous way to spend your time, but it is essential. Neglecting your asphalt can lead to problems. Potholes, cracking, and general deterioration are all signs that your asphalt requires some TLC.

So, what should you do to maintain your asphalt this year? Here are eight items to add to your to-do list:

Item 01: Sweeping the Premises

Sweeping should always be the first thing on the checklist. You should never leave your asphalt pavement unclean since it is critical to maintaining it clean for a variety of reasons:

  • Improving the overall aesthetic of the pavement.
  • Keeping it clean of garbage and debris, particularly nails, tiny pebbles, and other projecting items.
  • Increase the safety of its use for different vehicles and pedestrians.
  • Increase the pavement’s overall lifespan while maintaining it in good shape.

Sweeping also gives an excellent chance for a visual assessment. During their sweeping procedures, general maintenance staff might look for cracks, potholes, and other problems.

Item 02: Inspect the Drainage

Another common issue with asphalt is poor drainage. If water isn’t draining correctly off your pavement, it can pool on the surface and cause cracking or potholes. It can also lead to moss or algae growth, which not only looks unsightly but can also be slippery and dangerous. Examine your gutters and downspouts to verify that they are clean of debris and functioning properly. You may also need to regrade the soil around your pavement to encourage proper drainage.

Item 03: Sealcoating

Asphalt sealcoating is applied to the asphalt surface to repair it by filling any voids or minor gaps. The liquid solution to seal the coat differs from the asphalt binder; the sealer is intended for crack sealing, not filling.

The crack seal method shields your asphalt surface from the elements. If minor gaps are not sealed promptly, water and air can enter through them, causing asphalt oxidation and hardness. If this occurs, it might result in wider cracks that necessitate crack-filling operations.

Item 04: Check for Cracks and Fill Them Promptly

Cracks might seem small but insignificant, but they can quickly become more significant problems. Water can seep into cracks and freeze, causing the crack to expand and lead to even more damage. Filling cracks as soon as they appear is one of the best preventive maintenance measures.

The size of the cracks often determines the crack-filling process. Crack sealing is used to seal small cracks, whereas crack filling is for more significant gaps.

Item 05: Raveling and Rutting

Look for rutting as another type of visual assessment. Rutting is a long-term distortion of the asphalt pavement surface. For example, rutting may be identified by engraved wheel patterns on the pavement.

The degradation of an asphalt pavement caused by the loss of asphalt or pebbles is known as raveling. Typically, this results in rock, sand, and debris on the pavement and the gutters. This is the most obvious indicator of pavement degradation and should be addressed immediately.

Item 06: Remove Stains Promptly

Stains on asphalt pavements may be more than simply an eyesore; if left untreated, they can contribute to premature pavement damage. To remove stains, you’ll need a strong cleaner that’s specifically designed for use on asphalt surfaces. Always read the directions carefully and test the cleaner on a small area before applying it to the entire discolored area.

Item 07: Repairing Potholes

When water seeps through the crevices in the pavement, potholes can form. A combination of water, air, and moisture under the surface softens the soil and causes depression.

The depression tends to collect water, which breaks down the asphalt into tiny particles, sand, stones, and gravel over time. The entire region deepens at one point, forming a pothole.

Asphalt preventative maintenance can lower the life cycle cost of pothole repairs. It should, however, be on your checklist in case there are older potholes on the pavement.

Item 08: Other Items

While the items mentioned above are the standard asphalt preventative maintenance checklist, your checklist may contain additional items. The following items can be checked off with a quick visual assessment.

  • Color: Examine the color of the asphalt pavement to determine its condition. The appropriate color should be a dull, pale grey.
  • Loose Rocks: Keep an eye out for loose rocks or sand on the asphalt pavement. They indicate small cracks and asphalt deterioration.
  • Faded Surface Markings: Pavement markings assist automobiles and pedestrians in navigating and prevent needless stress on the pavement. You should ensure that the pavement markings are visible in all-weather situations.

Hire A Professional for Help!

Asphalt maintenance may seem a formidable task if you’ve never done it before – but that’s what professionals are for! Hiring an experienced paving company to help with regular inspections and maintenance can save you time, money, and stress in the long run. They will not only be able to identify possible problems early on, but they will also be able to address them swiftly and effectively.

Ending Note:

This New Year, resolutions aren’t just for personal growth – they’re for your property too! By vowing to develop and stick to a regular asphalt maintenance routine, you can extend the life of your pavement and keep your property looking its best for years to come. And when in doubt, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional paving company for help!

309 Paving Services is a reputable asphalt paving company that has been serving the residents of East Peoria for over 15 years. Our experience and knowledge have taught us how to create long-lasting, resilient pavement that will keep your parking lot or driveway looking excellent for years to come.

Get a free estimate today!